Once we crossed the border we spent a couple of nights in Cook, Minnesota. We had planned on spending only one night but then decided to take McKenzie to the Vet since she was still suffering from diahrrea. There was a small hotel off the main road who also had a RV park with hookups. We had asked if we could stay overnight without hooking up and they agreed. It was plenty cool and we didn't need electricity other than what could be generated by our solar. The next morning I asked them for a reference for a vet and they gave us directions to the nearest vet who was about 4 miles away. Since McKenzie had this several years ago, we knew that a prescription of Flagyl pretty well took care of her problem, so after a brief examination, the vet gave us some Flagyl and some additional heart worm medicine to hold us til we got back to Texas, and we were off. McKenzie did well and was feeling good within a couple of days. We pulled into the Kankakee State Park, in Bourbonnais, Illinois on Thursday, got a site and set up for the next thirteen days. We wanted to be here for our son's 40th birthday on July 4th.
We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Damon, Kim and the grandkids, Debra and Drew. Debra had gotten a new camera and wanted to hike to the Indian Caves to take pictures. We took a day when Damon and Kim had to work and did just that.
It has been way too many years since I had been out to the Caves, but we found them and then decided to hike all the way back to the back.
The water was a bit high so there were lovely water falls. The water was cold but everyone enjoyed sloshing back thru the water and climbing on the rocks to get back up to the highest caves. In Drew's words, "It was awesome!!!"
By the time we hiked back to the truck, we were hungry so we went to another old haunting place of mine from when I was a kid - Janicke's Hot Dogs. They have pork tenderloin sandwiches to die for and A&W root beer! What more could you ask for? When we got home, everyone was pooped out!
The kids came to visit us at the trailer for a day and night. We stopped at my favorite pizza parlor and had dinner. Then we headed out to the state park and set out on a mission to find enough wood to make a fire so we could have smores! George and I had already confiscated some left over wood so all we needed were little pieces. Once we drug everything back to the campsite, Debra started the fire. She does a teriffic job of making campfires
and we thoroughly enjoyed both the smores and the campfire!
The next morning, George dropped us off at the main entrance to the park and while he went to the grocery store, the kids and I took a hike back to the campground, once more giving Debra lots of possible photography shots. She's thinking of entering several of her photographs, poems, and other sculptures that she has made in the annual Fair this year. Debra and Drew helped me make some chocolate chip cookies while Grandpa cooked hamburgers and hotdogs. Kim and Damon came out for lunch and we had quite a feast.
I made a cake for Damon's birthday and Kim made spaghetti and salad,
so we had quite a meal to celebrate. Since he was born on 4th of July,we thought it would be appropriate that he had sparkler candles on his cake.
He did an excellent job of blowing them all out, several times, before extinguishing the flames.
We had been saving some "bubbly" for a very special occasion and this seemed like the time to break it open!
The dogs all got along pretty well on this trip. We had groomed McKenzie so she was wearing her pink and black dress so she wouldn't get sunburned.
I think she must have thought that this "magic cape" gave her some kind of supernatural powers because she suddenly started standing up to Scout and when he gave her the "evil eye" she just pounced on him! Of course, we had to interfere because she didn't realize that he was probably three times as big as she was and could do some serious damage if he decided to get even. Lucy just sat by and took it all in. Though she is a terrier too like McKenzie, she knows that she rules the household so there was no reason to enter into the raucaus.
All in all, we had a very good visit. We all played Wii games, board games, and watched some of the Blue Ray disc movies. Kim served us some great dinners and we enjoyed visiting with everyone. Seems like the kids have grown at least 4 inches every time we see them.
On Wednesday, we will head back up to Ontario, Canada for our two month visit to the maritime provinces. We'd like to spend a few days at Ottowa, Montreal, and Quebec before getting over to the maritimes. We have surely enjoyed getting to see Damon, Kim and the grandkids though and will be looking forward to the next time we all can get together somewhere.
As we get a chance, we will update this blog. Not sure what to expect in the way of WiFi but we'll do the best we can to keep you updated of the things we are seeing and doing. We love and miss all of you! Hugs from us to you!!!!
As we get a chance, we will update this blog. Not sure what to expect in the way of WiFi but we'll do the best we can to keep you updated of the things we are seeing and doing. We love and miss all of you! Hugs from us to you!!!!
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