Our time is getting short and we’ll soon be heading toward the Pacific Northwest. It’s hard to believe that we have been sitting out here in the desert for the past four and a half months. Many people have asked us how we have managed to get along without water or electricity. The truth of the matter is that we have water and electricity – it is just supplied in a manner different from what most of us are used to. We still use our microwave, electric coffee maker and watch Dish TV, but it is all powered by the sun. We have now, five solar panels, four golf cart type batteries and an inverter that changes the solar energy into useable electricity. Our trailer has capacity for 100 gallons of fresh water and 50 gallons of black (toilet) and 100 gallons of grey (shower and sink water). About every 19-20 days, we pull the trailer over to the dump station supplied by BLM (Bureau of Land Management), dump and get fresh water and then pull it back here. (This service is provided as part of our $180.00 fee to BLM) So we’ve learned to be conservative. Now if we could just do something about the gas/diesel consumption???? Anyway, the time has gone by much too quickly, but we’ve had a wonderful winter. Overall, the weather was not bad most of the time. From the middle of December to the middle of February, we had a lot of strong winds, but the rest of the weather was great! 
During the time we were here, we were able to visit my aunt in San Diego, three different times and we surely enjoyed the visits with her; my cousin, Gene; his wife, Pat; my second cousin, Kevin; and his wife, Theresa. And of course, we can’t forget Aunt Frances' little Shiz Shu, Peanut. We were within a 3 to 4 hour drive of San Diego so we were able to drive the truck over and leave the trailer out at Coyote Ridge.
The last month was filled with activities at Coyote Ridge.
There were classes on making box kites out of white plastic garbage bags, jewelry from stones picked up out here, and purses made from old blue jeans. We also had the annual golf tournament. This was the 20th anniversary of the Coyote Ridge Open Golf Tournament. Everyone who wanted to play signed up, names were drawn, and teams were formed.
We had ten teams of 4 people each and after some coffee and donuts, all the teams were staggered to start playing on the nine holes. Once the first nine holes were played, we posted our scores and ate lunch. Afterwards we were back out there in the desert playing another nine holes. The winning team received special prizes and all other teams got to pick prizes off the gift table. Jan’s team came in 6th and George’s team was in 7th place.
After the 18 holes had been played, we assembled at the community area and had a wonderful potluck dinner.
Nancy Davison was able to fly out to Yuma and spend a long weekend with us over the President’s holiday. We had wonderful, warm weather and a great time. Nancy and I spent the day at the Arizona Market walking up and down all the aisles in the twelve rows of tents and finding wonderful bargains, such as the screaming monkey (I had never heard of it before but Nancy quickly brought me up to date by showing me that it was a furry monkey, made into a sling shot and when you shot him off, he sounded just like a monkey screeching.).
We also found lighted wine glasses (perfect for those evenings around the campfire. At least you can’t misplace your wineglass!), styrofoam sun visors, and bungee shoelaces. You surely can’t find treasures like these just anyplace!! Oh yes, Nancy and I put on quite a show at the wig shop. After trying on numerous styles and colors we both decided the ones we liked best were the ones closest to the way we currently had our hair cut. No more curly tresses for these two girls!! (And most of the onlookers also agreed – after they were finally able to get their breath once again after the intense fits of laughter.) Once we got home, Nancy found a great surprise when she walked into our rig and found two more of our good friends, Nancy and Cal.
They had been here at Coyote Ridge but had left a few days before Nancy Davison arrived. As they had to pass by here to head out, we all decided we’d surprise Nancy and they came back out to the desert for a couple of days. Nancy Davison met Cal and Nancy back in Oxnard, California and then introduced them to us when we visited in 1998. We’ve all been friends since then.
Sunday morning was beautiful and we attended the waffle bake.
It gave Nancy Davison a chance to get to see some of the folks she had remembered from the years when she and Lee used to come out here. As usual, the food was delicious. How can you keep from gaining weight out here? It may be time to “Call Jenny” (Craig). Later in the afternoon, we got a visit from Jack, the resident wild burro who has been here for at least 20 years or more.
He comes around every day around happy hour to see if anyone will give him bread. Nancy and I fed him some minature carrots which he thoroughly enjoyed. Once Monday afternoon came around, we were very sorry to see Nancy have to get back on a plane to fly back to New Braunfels but we are looking forward to later this summer or early fall when she may be able to join us over in the New England states for a visit. She still has a few years to work before retirement but she has graciously taken several days of her vacations and flown places to meet us. She visited with us in Washington D.C., now here in the desert, and hopefully somewhere in the Northeast. We love having her visit with us!!
On Tuesday after Nancy left, we participated in the Horseshoe Pitching Tournament.
It was held out in the desert wash behind our trailer, so we set up a back patio in the shade and everyone came with their chairs to watch. George and I decided to try our hand at it and we actually did better than we had anticipated.
It was a perfect afternoon for it and of course, afterwards, we had another potluck.
The next day was a potato bake. (Are you beginning to see a pattern here?) Rick and Reita cooked 91 baked potatoes on grills. Each was sliced, stuffed with butter and and onion and then baked. Everyone else brought all the extras to go along with the potatoes. The wind was a bit stronger but this group has never let a little wind stop an eating frenzy, so the cars and trucks were parked in a circle and provided shelter for us while we sat at tables and chowed down.
We’ve experienced some absolutely gorgeous sunrises this winter.
McKenzie and George walk every morning and watch the sun come up.(I’m usually watching the sun come up from the comfortableness of my own bed!!!) We will definitely miss all the things the desert has to offer, but it is time to move on and see more of what this wonderful country has to offer. Saturday will be hookup day and we’ll head off to Quartzite for a day or two and then once again begin our travels, slowly making our way to our place in Chimacum, Washington. We’re looking forward to new adventures and lots more places to visit. I’ll update as soon as I can once we get on the road. Til then, take care and God Bless each of you.
During the time we were here, we were able to visit my aunt in San Diego, three different times and we surely enjoyed the visits with her; my cousin, Gene; his wife, Pat; my second cousin, Kevin; and his wife, Theresa. And of course, we can’t forget Aunt Frances' little Shiz Shu, Peanut. We were within a 3 to 4 hour drive of San Diego so we were able to drive the truck over and leave the trailer out at Coyote Ridge.
The last month was filled with activities at Coyote Ridge.
Nancy Davison was able to fly out to Yuma and spend a long weekend with us over the President’s holiday. We had wonderful, warm weather and a great time. Nancy and I spent the day at the Arizona Market walking up and down all the aisles in the twelve rows of tents and finding wonderful bargains, such as the screaming monkey (I had never heard of it before but Nancy quickly brought me up to date by showing me that it was a furry monkey, made into a sling shot and when you shot him off, he sounded just like a monkey screeching.).
Sunday morning was beautiful and we attended the waffle bake.
On Tuesday after Nancy left, we participated in the Horseshoe Pitching Tournament.
We’ve experienced some absolutely gorgeous sunrises this winter.